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Get fast and free shipping on this basketball system. Orders generally leave the warehouse within 2 business days. These basketball systems ship via FedEx. FedEx will simply leave the package at your doorstep if nobody is home. This item generally takes 5 to 7 business days to receive.
If you notice damage to the box the basketball system is most likely still in perfect shape. The boxes are designed to take a beating. However, if you believe parts have fallen out or there are large holes or obvious damage just give us a call and we'll get it replaced for you at no cost.
Once your order ships out we automatically email you the tracking information so you can keep an eye on it and know when to expect it.
Simply hang onto the original packaging and contact us within 30 days of receipt if you are not satisfied with this product. We will have the item picked up at our cost and refund you in full. We are that confident you will love this product!!!
Please note that items must be in their original packaging and in the original condition for this return policy to apply. Also, please be sure to contact us within 30 days of receipt. Lastly, if you are unsure whether this product will fit your needs please contact a customer service expert toll free at 866-308-5484.