Do you need some other exercise options for your Power Sled? Try the 10402 handle attachment for the Power Systems weighted sled. This handle fits snugly into the sled to form a Drive Sled. When attached, the 10402 handle in between 35 inches and 37 inches above the ground; when the athlete grabs the handle, their posture and form will be in the perfect driving position to work on their explosive force. Ideal for football athletes and any other sport where quick, explosive movements are needed. Please note that this listing is for the 10402 handle only.
Please note that this listing is for the Drive Sled handle attachment only. The Power Sled is sold separately. This handle is designed to attach to Power Systems' weighted Power Sled only. Only purchase this handle attachment if you already have the Power Systems Power Sled and you want to add some additional options for exercising with your Power Sled.