Basketball Hoop Purchasing Guide: Pole Shape and Size
Posted by Administrator on 10/29/2012 to
Competitive Edge Product Reviews
Thee pole of the basketball system is an important part for obvious reasons; the most obvious reason being it holds the backboard and mounting hardware in position. However, there are also less obvious reasons that might escape some people. With most manufacturers, they will have a series of basketball goal offerings that will increase in quality and size. Thus, the poles of their systems will also differ in quality and size. Other manufacturers will offer basketball poles in only 1 shape, but differ in sizes. We will explore these options in this part of the basketball hoop purchasing guide.
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Basketball Hoop Purchasing Guide: Height Adjustment Mechanisms
Posted by Administrator on 10/9/2012 to
Competitive Edge Product Reviews
Nearly every basketball hoop manufacturer has a height adjustment mechanism of some sort. These height adjustment mechanisms can be as simple as a turn crank, or has complicated as a pneumatic piston lift. This post will discuss the different options available from each of the major manufacturers.