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Fast Shipping: Orders for the Lifetime Items generally leave the warehouse within a couple business days. Accurate Tracking: Tracking information is automatically emailed to you just as soon as the order ships out. Delivery Details: This product ships directly from Lifetime Products in Clearfield, UT. This item ships via FedEx and may not require a signature. When receiving delivery it is important to note any damage. Damage is extremely rare. We package these to travel both domestically and internationally. However, sometimes the packaging may be slightly damaged, but you may not be sure whether something inside is damaged. You can still accept delivery if there is damage, we will replace any damaged or missing parts, or the whole product if necessary. Call or email us with any questions. Local Pickup Option:;This item is available for local pickup in Clearfield, Utah. If you are interested in picking it up locally contact our customer service for a special pickup quote at 866-308-5484.
This product has a 30-day money back guarantee: Simply hang on to the original packaging and contact us within 30 days of receipt if you are not satisfied with this product. We will have the item picked up at our cost and refund you in full. We are that confident you will love this product! Please contact us before purchasing if you are unsure whether this product is right for you by calling us toll free at 866-308-5484 or via email at [email protected]